Source code for skosprovider.jsonld

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains functions dealing with jsonld reading and writing.

.. versionadded:: 0.7.0

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from skosprovider.skos import (

from skosprovider.utils import (

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "@version": 1.1,
    "dct": "",
    "skos": "",
    "iso-thes": "",
    "rdf": "",
    "rdfs": "",
    "void": "",
    "uri": "@id",
    "type": "@type",
    "id": "dct:identifier",
    "label": "rdfs:label",
    "concept": "skos:Concept",
    "collection": "skos:Collection",

    "@version": 1.1,
    "dct": "",
    "skos": "",
    "iso-thes": "",
    "rdf": "",
    "rdfs": "",
    "void": "",
    "uri": "@id",
    "type": "@type",
    "id": "dct:identifier",
    "label": "rdfs:label",
    "concept": "skos:Concept",
    "collection": "skos:Collection",
    "lbl": "@value",
    "nt": "@value",
    "ct": "@value",
    "HTML": "rdf:HTML",
    "concept_scheme": {
        "@id": "skos:inScheme",
        "@type": "@id"
    "in_dataset": {
        "@id": "void:inDataset",
        "@type": "@id"
    "top_concepts": {
        "@id": "skos:hasTopConcept",
        "@type": "@id"
    "labels": "@nest",
    "notes": "@nest",
    "matches": "@nest",
    "sources": {
        "@id": "dct:source",
        "@container": "@set"
    "citations": {
      "@id": "dct:bibliographicCitation",
      "@container": "@set"
    "pref_labels": {
      "@nest": "labels",
      "@id": "skos:prefLabel",
      "@container": "@set"
    "alt_labels": {
      "@nest": "labels",
      "@id": "skos:altLabel",
      "@container": "@set"
    "hidden_labels": {
      "@nest": "labels",
      "@id": "skos:hiddenLabel",
      "@container": "@set"
    "general_notes": {
        "@nest": "notes",
        "@id": "skos:note",
        "@container": "@set"
    "scope_notes": {
        "@nest": "notes",
        "@id": "skos:scopeNote",
        "@container": "@set"
    "definitions": {
        "@nest": "notes",
        "@id": "skos:definition",
        "@container": "@set"
    "history_notes": {
        "@nest": "notes",
        "@id": "skos:historyNote",
        "@container": "@set"
    "editorial_notes": {
        "@nest": "notes",
        "@id": "skos:editorialNote",
        "@container": "@set"
    "change_notes": {
        "@nest": "notes",
        "@id": "skos:changeNote",
        "@container": "@set"
    "examples": {
        "@nest": "notes",
        "@id": "skos:example",
        "@container": "@set"
    "exact_matches": {
      "@id": "skos:exactMatch",
      "@type": "@id",
      "@container": "@set"
    "close_matches": {
      "@id": "skos:closeMatch",
      "@type": "@id",
      "@container": "@set"
    "broad_matches": {
      "@id": "skos:broadMatch",
      "@type": "@id",
      "@container": "@set"
    "narrow_matches": {
      "@id": "skos:narrowMatch",
      "@type": "@id",
      "@container": "@set"
    "related_matches": {
      "@id": "skos:relatedMatch",
      "@type": "@id",
      "@container": "@set"
    "member_of": {
        "@reverse": "skos:member",
        "@type": "@id",
        "@container": "@set"
    "members": {
        "@id": "skos:member",
        "@type": "@id",
        "@container": "@set"
    "subordinate_arrays": {
        "@id": "iso-thes:subordinateArray",
        "@type": "@id",
        "@container": "@set"
    "broader": {
        "@id": "skos:broader",
        "@type": "@id",
        "@container": "@set"
    "narrower": {
        "@id": "skos:narrower",
        "@type": "@id",
        "@container": "@set"
    "related": {
        "@id": "skos:related",
        "@type": "@id",
        "@container": "@set"
    "languages": {
        "@id": "dct:language",
        "@type": "@id",
        "@container": "@set"

[docs]def jsonld_dumper(provider, context = None, language = None): ''' Dump a provider to a JSON-LD serialisable dictionary. :param skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider provider: The provider that wil be turned into a JSON-LD `dict`. :param str or dict context: Context as a dict or link to context file. :param string language: Language to render a single label in. :rtype: A `dict` ''' if not language: language = provider.metadata.get('default_language', 'en') doc = { '@graph': [] } if context: doc['@context'] = context doc['@graph'].append(jsonld_conceptscheme_dumper( provider, None, relations_profile = 'uri', language = language )) for c in provider.get_all(): doc['@graph'].append(jsonld_c_dumper( provider, c['id'], None, relations_profile = 'uri', language = language )) return doc
[docs]def jsonld_c_dumper(provider, id, context = None, relations_profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): ''' Dump a concept or collection to a JSON-LD serialisable dictionary. :param skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider provider: The provider that contains the concept or collection. :param str or int id: Identifier of the concept to dump. :param str or dict context: Context as a dict or link to context file. :param str relations_profile: Either `partial` or `uri` to render links to other resources with some information or just a :term:`URI`. :param string language: Language to render a single label in. :rtype: A `dict` ''' c = provider.get_by_id(id) doc = _jsonld_c_basic_renderer(c, language) if context: doc['@context'] = context if relations_profile == 'partial': doc['concept_scheme'] = _jsonld_cs_basic_renderer(c.concept_scheme, language) else: doc['concept_scheme'] = c.concept_scheme.uri dataset_uri = provider.get_metadata().get('dataset', {}).get('uri', None) if dataset_uri: doc['in_dataset'] = dataset_uri doc.update(_jsonld_labels_renderer(c)) doc.update(_jsonld_notes_renderer(c)) doc.update(_jsonld_sources_renderer(c)) doc.update(_jsonld_member_of_renderer(c, provider, relations_profile, language)) if c.type == 'concept': doc.update(_jsonld_matches_renderer(c)) doc.update(_jsonld_broader_renderer(c, provider, relations_profile, language)) doc.update(_jsonld_narrower_renderer(c, provider, relations_profile, language)) doc.update(_jsonld_related_renderer(c, provider, relations_profile, language)) doc.update(_jsonld_subordinate_arrays_renderer(c, provider, relations_profile, language)) elif c.type == 'collection': doc['infer_concept_relations'] = True doc.update(_jsonld_members_renderer(c, provider, relations_profile, language)) doc.update(_jsonld_superordinates_renderer(c, provider, relations_profile, language)) return doc
def _jsonld_c_basic_renderer(c, language = 'en'): doc = { 'id':, 'uri': c.uri, 'type': c.type } label = c.label(language) if label: doc['label'] = label.label return doc def _jsonld_cs_basic_renderer(cs, language = 'en'): doc = { 'uri': cs.uri, 'type': 'skos:ConceptScheme' } label = cs.label(language) if label: doc['label'] = label.label return doc def _jsonld_labels_renderer(c): doc = { 'labels': {} } def lbl_renderer(l): language = extract_language(l.language) return { 'language': language, '@language': language, 'lbl': l.label } ltypemap = { 'prefLabel': 'pref_labels', 'altLabel': 'alt_labels', 'hiddenLabel': 'hidden_labels', 'sortLabel': 'hidden_labels' } for l in c.labels: doc['labels'].setdefault(ltypemap[l.type], []).append(lbl_renderer(l)) return doc def _jsonld_notes_renderer(c): doc = { 'notes': {} } def nt_renderer(n): language = extract_language(n.language) note = { 'language': language, '@language': language, 'nt': n.note } if n.markup is not None: del note['@language'] note['nt'] = add_lang_to_html(note['nt'], language) note['@type'] = n.markup return note ntypemap = { 'note': 'general_notes', 'scopeNote': 'scope_notes', 'definition': 'definitions', 'historyNote': 'history_notes', 'editorialNote': 'editorial_notes', 'changeNote': 'change_notes', 'example': 'examples' } for n in c.notes: doc['notes'].setdefault(ntypemap[n.type], []).append(nt_renderer(n)) return doc def _jsonld_sources_renderer(c): doc = { 'sources': [] } def s_renderer(s): source = { 'type': 'dct:BibliographicResource', 'citations': [{ 'ct': s.citation }] } if s.markup is not None: source['citations'][0]['@type'] = s.markup return source for s in c.sources: doc['sources'].append(s_renderer(s)) return doc def _jsonld_matches_renderer(c): doc = { 'matches': {} } for k,v in c.matches.items(): doc['matches'].setdefault('%s_matches' % k, []).extend(v) return doc def _jsonld_superordinates_renderer(c, provider, profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): return _jsonld_relation_renderer(c, provider, 'superordinates', profile, language) def _jsonld_members_renderer(c, provider, profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): return _jsonld_relation_renderer(c, provider, 'members', profile, language) def _jsonld_member_of_renderer(c, provider, profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): return _jsonld_relation_renderer(c, provider, 'member_of', profile, language) def _jsonld_broader_renderer(c, provider, profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): return _jsonld_relation_renderer(c, provider, 'broader', profile, language) def _jsonld_narrower_renderer(c, provider, profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): return _jsonld_relation_renderer(c, provider, 'narrower', profile, language) def _jsonld_related_renderer(c, provider, profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): return _jsonld_relation_renderer(c, provider, 'related', profile, language) def _jsonld_subordinate_arrays_renderer(c, provider, profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): return _jsonld_relation_renderer(c, provider, 'subordinate_arrays', profile, language) def _jsonld_relation_renderer(c, provider, relation, profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): doc = { relation: [] } for m in getattr(c, relation): relc = provider.get_by_id(m) if profile == 'partial': doc[relation].append(_jsonld_c_basic_renderer(relc, language)) else: doc[relation].append(relc.uri) return doc def _jsonld_topconcepts_renderer(provider, profile = 'partial'): doc = { 'top_concepts': [] } for c in provider.get_top_concepts(): if profile == 'partial': doc['top_concepts'].append(c) else: doc['top_concepts'].append(c['uri']) return doc def _jsonld_cs_languages_renderer(cs): doc = { 'languages': [] } for l in cs.languages: doc['languages'].append(l) return doc
[docs]def jsonld_conceptscheme_dumper(provider, context = None, relations_profile = 'partial', language = 'en'): ''' Dump a conceptscheme to a JSON-LD serialisable dictionary. :param skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider provider: The provider that contains the conceptscheme. :param str or dict context: Context as a dict or link to context file. :param str relations_profile: Either `partial` or `uri` to render links to other resources with some information or just a :term:`URI`. :param string language: Language to render a single label in. :rtype: A `dict` ''' cs = provider.concept_scheme doc = _jsonld_cs_basic_renderer(cs) if context: doc['@context'] = context dataset_uri = provider.get_metadata().get('dataset', {}).get('uri', None) if dataset_uri: doc['in_dataset'] = dataset_uri doc['id'] = provider.get_metadata()['id'] doc.update(_jsonld_labels_renderer(cs)) doc.update(_jsonld_notes_renderer(cs)) doc.update(_jsonld_sources_renderer(cs)) doc.update(_jsonld_cs_languages_renderer(cs)) doc.update(_jsonld_topconcepts_renderer(provider, relations_profile)) return doc