
The basic idea of Skosprovider is very much about the idea of loose coupling, allowing two pieces of software to talk to each other while having as little knowledge of each other as possible. In this case, software A (eg. a webapp) can make use of 1 or more thesauri, controlled vocabularies, authority files and other vocabularies without have to no the details of the vocabularies.

This has been achieved by defining an interface of the most common operations needed to integrate an vocabulary in an application. It’s complex and rich enough to allow for most operations that an application might need. And of course, in special cases you might consider expanding the interface. If you do so, please let us know. Your needs might be similar to someone else’s needs and might warrant an extension to the interface.

While the interface is very clear on the operations supported and the data it shoudl receive from the provider, it makes not statement whatsoever about the format the data should be in when the provider receives it. So, while a client knows that each provider has a method to find a concept by an id and what this method will return, the client does not need to know where the provider goes to find this concept. One provider might look this up in a CSV file, another one in a database and yet another one through a webservice. In a way, the provider transforms the data from the source format to a common view of the SKOS data model.

Because of this, the only part where the different providers are different is when instantiating the provider, since they need to be configured for their data source. Eg., the skosprovider.providers.DictionaryProvider is a very simple provider that requires a list of dictionaries to operate on. Apart from this one very specific data element, there are a few configuration parameters that are passed to every existing provider. Every provider requires that a parameter metadata is passed to it. This is a dictionary that has one required parameter, id. This is an id that is assigned to the provider. It’s used when registering the provider with a skosprovider.registry.Registry and for a few other things. Other than this required parameter, a metadata object can also set a default_language for the provider and register a number of subjects for the provider.

Upon instantiation, a provider can also be passed a skosprovider.uri.UriGenerator. This is an object that allows the provider to generate URI’s for it’s concepts and collections. If you do not pass in a uri generator, the provider will set one up for you. Finally, you can also pass in a skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme. This is the concept scheme the providers represents. Again, if you do no pass in a concept scheme, the provider will create a default scheme.

provider = DictionaryProvider(
        'id': 'TREES',
        'default_language': 'nl',
        'subject': ['biology']
    [larch, chestnut, species],

Providing you have gotten hold of a Skosprovider, you now have an object with several methods. Largely these can mainly be grouped into a two different categories:

First there are methods that return a single skosprovider.skos.Concept or skosprovider.skos.Collection. These methods allow you to retrieve an individual item based on one of two possible identifiers.

The first method, get_by_id(), retrieves an item based on an id that is known internally by the provider. This id is not necessarily globally unique. It’s only required to be unique to a certain provider.

The second method, get_by_uri(), retrieves an item based on it’s URI. Since a URI is guaranteed to be globally unique. Quite often the URI wil also contain the id, but this is not mandatory.

# Get a concept or collection by id

# Get a concept or collection by uri

A second group of methods return a list of concepts or collections. In this case the concepts or collections are only partially output. For each concept or collection an id, uri, type (concept or collection) and a label are returned. Each of these methods also takes an optional keyword language that detemines in what language a label is rendered. A second optional keyword, sort allows the client to specify how the list should be sorted. Options here are id, label and sortlabel. This last parameter allows sorting on a special sortLabel that can be assigned to concepts and collections. This way, arbitrary sorting order can be created by the editor of a scheme. When sorting, the sort_order keyword can be used to set the sort order.

One method, get_all() returns all concept and collections in a certain provider. It’s rarely used and might possibly not make sense in very large providers. It’s mainly there as a convenience method for small providers and in testing situations. More useful is get_top_concepts(). This methods returns all top concepts (not collections) in the provider. These are the concepts that have no broader concepts.

There are also two related methods that can help in building a display hierarchy. As opposed to get_top_concepts(), these do return both concepts and collections and can thus actually be used to create a sensible display hierarchy for a vocabulary. The first one, get_top_display(), returns the top of a display hierarchy. These would be the concepts and collections that form the top of this hierarchy. To descend the hierachy, you would call get_children_display().

A final method in this group of methods is actually the most important one in this group. By calling skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider.find(), you can search the provider for concepts or collections matching your criteria. You do this by passing in a query parameter to this method. This way you can ask the provider to search for certain labels (eg. churches), to only search certain types (concept or collection) or to only search within a cerain collection. As always in this category of methods, you can control in what languages labels should be returned using the language keyword.

# Get all concepts and collections in a provider
# If possible, show a Dutch(as spoken in Belgium) label

# Get all concepts and collections in a provider
# If possible, show a Dutch(as spoken in Belgium) label
# and order them by this label
provider.get_all(language='nl-BE', sort='label', sort_order='asc')

# Get the top concepts in a provider

# Find anything that has a label of church.
provider.find({'label': 'church'})

# Get the top of a display hierarchy
provider.get_top_display(sort='id', sort_order='desc')

# Get the children to display in a hierarchy concept 1
# If possible, show a French(as spoken in Belgium) label
provider.get_children_display(1, language='fr-BE')

Apart from the two categories, there are a couple more miscellaneous methods. The most interesting one of these is skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider.expand(). This methods take a certain concept or collection id as argument and returns a list of all concept ids that are “underneath” this concept or collection. This is mainly intended to be used when querying datasets. It allows a client to broaden the scope of a search. Eg. when searching for churches, the expand method might return the ids for both churches and cathedrals.

# Get all concepts underneath a concept or collection